Microsoft Word for Resumes: Intermediate Formatting Exercise
Boost your resume formatting skills with this exercise!
Boost your resume formatting skills with this exercise!
Everyone loves making lists. In Word 2010, you can quickly add bullets or numbers to existing lines of text to create lists, or Word can automatically create lists as you type. learn how to create lists in Word with this handy how-to guide.
Creating and Sorting Lists in Microsoft Word 2010
Word 2010 makes your essay writing endeavors much easier when it comes to inserting citations and creating bibliographies. This tip gives you step by step instructions for how to insert citations.
Adding Citations in Microsoft Word 2010
Columns are used in many types of documents, but are most commonly used in newspapers, magazines, academic journals, and newsletters. Practice your intermediate Word formatting skills with this column how-to guide and practice exercise.
Formatting columns in Word 2010
Practice your basic word skills with these exercises. Includes using the keyboard, fonts, and spell check.
Bring yourself back to the Roaring 20's with this cutting and pasting exercise.
Cut and Paste
The 1920's - Prosperity and Its Demise
Use CUT and PASTE to arrange a timeline in chronological order.
1923-March-Time Magazine is published for the first time.
Practice cutting, copying, and pasting with this handout.
Ribbons and Tabs and Commands, oh my! There sure are a lot of commands in Office products. Use this handout to wrap your head around what is available and how they are organized.
Office 2010 Ribbon Tabs
Test out your new Word skills with these exercises.
Brush up on basic Microsoft Word commands and functions with this cheat sheet.
Microsoft Word Cheat Sheet