Adding Citations in Word

Word 2010 makes your essay writing endeavors much easier when it comes to inserting citations and creating bibliographies. This tip gives you step by step instructions for how to insert citations.

Adding Citations in Microsoft Word 2010

Adding Citations

1. On the References tab, in the Citations & Bibliography group, click the arrow next to Style.
2. Click the style that you want to use for the citation and source (social sciences documents usually use the MLA or APA styles for citations and sources)
3. Click at the end of the sentence or phrase that you want to cite.
4. On the References tab, in the Citations & Bibliography group, click Insert Citation.
5. To add the source information, click Add New Source.
6. Begin to fill in the source information by clicking the arrow next to Type of source (your source might
be a book, a report, or a Web site.).
7. Click “OK” to save the source. To use the same source again, click on “Insert Citation”
8. Use Source Manager to edit your citations.
1. Insert the bibliography AFTER adding all of your citations
2. Then, click on the drop down arrow next to Bibliography in the Citations & Bibliography group.
3. Chose a Built-in style, or click on “insert bibliography”
Inserting Footnotes and Endnotes
1. Click where you want to insert the note reference mark in your document.
2. On the References tab, in the Footnotes group, click Insert Footnote or Insert Endnote. Word inserts the note reference mark and places the insertion point in the text area of the new footnote or endnote.
3. Type the note text.
4. To edit footnotes or endnotes, click the Footnote & Endnote Dialog Box Launcher, and do one of the following:
5. To convert footnotes to endnotes or endnotes to footnotes, under Location choose either Footnotes or Endnotes and then click Convert. In the Convert Notes dialog box, click OK.
6. To change the numbering format, click the desired formatting in the Number format box and click
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