LinkedIn information sheet

What is LinkedIn?

The world’s largest professional network with over 150 million members and growing rapidly. LinkedIn connects you to your trusted contacts and helps you exchange knowledge, ideas, and opportunities with a broader network of professionals

LinkedIn Profile Checklist

  • Appropriate professional photo
  • Creative Headline
  • Summary
  • Three recent positions
  • Education & Specialties
  • At least 3 recommendations


  1. Making Connections—Import your email connections to get started
  2. Groups—Join groups that are relevant to your industry,  job search, and network
  3. Recommendations—you can ask for references by filling out and sending a request form to the connection you want to write your recommendation. Below each professional experience entry you enter, there is a link that says “ask for recommendations”.

Job Searching

  1. General Search
  2. Advanced Search
  3. Company Search
  4. Apply Now, Apply with only your LinkedIn profile
  5. Visit profiles of recruiters and hiring managers
  6. LinkedIn for



CardMunch—Take a picture with the app and a business card is converted to a contact automatically. Also shows you LinkedIn profile information and connections you have in common.

LinkedIn—Sync your calendar to get LinkedIn profile information about the people you're meeting with. View and save recommended jobs. Read the latest industry news. Keep up-to-date with your groups

Additional Resources:


  1. The complete idiot's guide to LinkedIn Susan Gunelius
  2. Using LinkedIn

 Patrice-Anne Rutledge



Supporting files: 
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