Preview of JobMap

JobMap is Queens Library’s new online tool that allows customers to receive expanded job search help and computer training completely customized to their needs. Whether you’re just starting your job search or you’ve been searching for a while with limited to no success, JobMap is the place to start your journey towards a new job.


JobMap is a simple to use, yet full featured tool to help you on your particular job path.  Interested in gaining the skills you need to conduct a successful job search? Take our job readiness assessment and receive a customized list of job services including resume review, skills identification, interview preparation and mock interviews.


Interested in updating your computer skills to find a new job or just to keep up with all the most current  technology out there? Take our computer skills assessment and receive a customized list of services including beginner and intermediate computer classes, as well as resources for advanced learning through online tools.


Interested in improving your chances in the job market AND updating your computer skills? Take both assessments!


Once you’ve completed your assessments and received your list of recommended services, you can:

  • register for recommended services
  • track your progress through these services
  • access exclusive JobMap content
  • store documents related to your job search
  • see schedules for drop-in times for individual assistance
  • submit your resume for online review